SHA-256 is a new generation Bitcoin cloud mining platform, enabling anyone with access to the internet to start mining bitcoin within minutes

semoga berkah
4 min readFeb 27, 2021


SHA-256 is a new generation Bitcoin cloud mining platform, enabling anyone with access to the internet to start mining bitcoin within minutes. The platform serves the purpose of freedom and accessibility in mining by proposing the cheapest hash power in the market for better profitability.

Keep the power on your side with the SHA-256 platform. Feel valuable in the hands of 24/7 earnings, the best profitability, privileged service, secure infrastructure and expert team that turns mining into experience. Here you have all the tools and features required for new generation mining.

With the SHA-256 platform, anyone can purchase hash power generated in state-of-the-art mining facilities to start mining within minutes. Without any barrier of time, effort or knowledge requirements; users are provided with just the right tools to initiate, track and manage their mining operations transparently and instantly. By nature, SHA-256 is a personal way of mining Bitcoin on cloud with ease and ultimate security.

* Choose the mining contract that suits you best in terms of budget and mining period.

* Instantly track and manage multiple mining operations with the user-friendly interface.


The SHA-256 platform is designed for users looking for flexibility, power and profitability. Mining facilities, which are constantly renewed with its expert technical team and benefit from sustainable energy resources, can be accessed by all users with the internet without any KYC (Know Your Customer) obligation. Turning mining into an experience, SHA-256 platform serves thousands of users worldwide by keeping the promise of quality, hack-proof security and privileged customer support.

* SHA-256 mining contracts offer the best rates in the market by continuous price comparison.

* It is the user who decides, tracks and manages the mining duration and hash power to be used.

* Mining returns are distributed on a daily basis without any additional or surprise fees for withdrawals.

  • Multiple mining activities can be carried out at the same time and new purchases can be with accumulations.

Let’s start investing!?

  • To get started, you only need your PC, phone or tablet with internet access. You don’t need any specific skills. You don’t need to have any cryptocurrency experience because the software will make you a profit.It’s time to change your life and try to invest in It is not a fairy tale that you can earn easily, have passive money day and night. Still, you have to make a right choice. They want you know that the average person has a real possibility to cash in on the cryptocurrency boom which is still the most lucrative investment of all the world ! Right now Thousands of people are trading and getting huge profits on a daily basis. You can be one of these lucky guys. lets you make profit from cryptocurrencies, even in a bear market, so you can make money around the clock, even while you sleep. Sounds great, isn’t it?

Where is SHA-256 is used?


Each block contains a piece of hashed data. Can you guess which hash function is used? YES, SHA-256 (also RIPEMD is used, but this article praises SHA-256, no hard feelings please).

As you can see, a hashed value of previous block is used to calculate the current block’s hash value. An attempt of changing will create a chain reaction that will be seen by everyone. Because one of the beauties of a hash function is it is a unique, one-way-output function. Good luck figuring out the input or making an unseeable change to a blockchain.

Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin)

No. Blockchain and bitcoin are not the same thing. If you want to learn the difference, here you go.

So how SHA-256 works for Bitcoin? SHA-256 is implemented in several aspects of Bitcoin protocol: bitcoin mining, merkle trees and the creation of Bitcoin addresses.

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